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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls


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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:23 am

    Sorry if it's like this. It's just my first time making one. Hope you understand :)

    Episode 1

    One day. Jessica arrived at Korea from San
    Francisco. She was back at her Dorm in Seoul, South Korea. Back there she
    was very tired so she slept. Next morning. She woke up and looking for food in
    her Fridge. She didn’t see any food. So she decided to go to the Market. While
    going outside her dorm she saw her Friend named Tiffany.

    “Hey Tiff!” Jessica shouted. Tiffany looked behind her and
    said “Jessica! Long time no see? Where have you been this past 2 years? We
    are looking for you.”

    Then Jessica answered
    “I’ve been to San Francisco. We? Who’s we?”
    “Don’t you remember our
    group? Girls’ Generation! Babo.”
    Tiffany said while smiling.

    “Ah! Yeah. I forgot. So where are
    asked. “There here with me” Tiffany pointed out inside the Market. “Hey
    Girls! Jessica is back!”
    Tiffany shouted to the girls.

    “Waah! Our Ice Princess Jessica is
    back! Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you.”
    Yuri said. “I just had a vacation in San Francisco.”

    “Hey Girls! How about we go to my House?” Tiffany said. “Yeah! Let’s go!” The girls shouted. While
    walking in the road they saw Shining door inside the store.

    “What is that?” Jessica asked. “I don’t know. Want to check it out?” Sooyoung

    The girls came in the store and go to the Shining
    door. The girls opened the door and came in.

    “Waah!” The girls shouted as they fall
    in the Shining door.

    “What is this?!” all the girls asked.

    (AFTER 1 HOUR)

    “Were not down yet?*yawns*” Hyoyeon asked.

    “Not yet I think?” Sunny answered.


    “Aw!” “Aw!” “Ouch!” the girls shouted in pain

    “Where are we?” Tiffany asked.

    “Were in WONDERLAND” Hyoyeon chodingly said. All
    laughed. While the girls are laughing Jessica saw something behind the tree.

    “Hey guys! Shhh. There is someone
    behind the tree.”
    Jessica said to the girls. The girls slowly walks then the person came
    out the tree and shouted at the girls.

    “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY GARDEN?!” The person said while shouting.

    “It’s not our fault to fall in
    this weird world.”
    Jessica answered in scared voice.

    “GO OUT! GO O…..” the person stop talking when he
    saw Yoon A.

    “What’s your name beautiful
    the person
    asked Yoon A.

    “Who? ME sir?” Yoon A answered.

    “Yes you.” The person said.

    “My name is Yoon A.” Yoon A answered with a manner.

    “My name is Ok Taecyeon. Welcome
    to my World!”
    Taecyeon welcomed them in his World.

    While Taecyeon is talking to Yoon A. The girls
    suddenly feeled left out. So they decided to tour in Taecyeon’s world.

    Sooyoung go to the Kitchen in Taecyeon’s Mansion,
    Jessica went to the Master’s Bedroom, Sunny go to the Video Games corner,
    Hyoyeon went to the Practice room, Yuri went to the Living Room, Taeyeon go to
    the Bikini Magazine Section to look some butts, Tiffany go to the Fashion Mall
    besides Taecyeon Mansion, And Seohyun go to Library Room.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mansion - Kitchen

    While they are all busy what they are doing one by
    one in the room have servant the girls didn’t know. Someone is knocking in
    Sooyoung’s kitchen, she opened the Door and she saw the servant the servant

    “Hi! I’m Jiyeon. The servant
    here in the Kitchen!”
    . Sooyoung was shocked so she didn’t know what to do.

    Location: Taecyeons’ Mansion - Master’s BedRoom

    While in the Master Bedroom were Jessica is the
    servant bumped the door and said

    “Hi! I’m Krystal. The servant
    here in the Master’s
    Jessica didn’t wake up even Krystal rolled her in
    the ground.

    Location:Taecyeon’s Mansion - Video Games Corner

    In the Video Games Corner were Sunny is busy
    playing then the servant suddenly turned off the switch and said

    “Hi! I’m Hyomin. The servant here
    in the Video Games Corner!”
    Sunny is angry with the servant so she commanded the servant to play
    with her.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mansion – Practice Room

    In the Practice Room, Hyoyeon is busy dancing
    Hip-Hop. Then suddenly the servant is dancing with her and said

    “Hi! I’m Eunhyuk. The servant
    here in Practice Room!”
    Hyoyeon couldn’t say a thing because she has a crush on him.

    While Hyo was dancing and has a lot of sweat in her
    face, servant Eunhyuk used he’s handkerchief to wipe Hyo’s sweat. While servant
    Eunhyuk wiping he’s face Hyo’s face was blushing and Servant Eun saw it.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mansion – Living Room

    In the other hand Yuri is watching Yoga lesson in
    TV. Then the servant came in and doing what Yuri is doing the servant suddenly

    “Hi! I’m Victoria! The servant
    here in the Living Room”
    Yuri didn’t talked and just continue doing Yoga Pose

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mansion – Magazine Section

    In the other Room where Taeyeon is looking some
    butts in the Magazine Section. The servant suddenly came in and shouted

    “Hi! I’m Leeteuk! The servant
    here in the Magazine Section”
    Taeyeon was shocked and she closed the Magazine.
    Taeyeon said to herself

    “This world is weird.”

    Then suddenly Leeteuk heard it and reply

    “We are not weird. We are just
    doing are job for what Sir Taecyeon given task to us.”

    Then Taeyeon didn’t talk and they just look
    for some butts.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mall – Fashion Mall

    In the Fashion Mall where Tiffany is picking some
    clothes. Suddenly the servant in the Mall appeared from nowhere and said

    “Hi! I’m Soyeon. I’m the servant
    here in the Fashion Mall”
    Tiffany fell down in shocked and just stand up again.

    “Where did you came from?” Tiffany asked.

    “FROM MY MOTHER.” Soyeon who answered it honestly.

    “Ahh. Yeah. That’s right.” Tiffany who is confused at what
    did Soyeon just say.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Mansion – Library Room

    Lastly Seohyun. Seohyun is in the Library Room
    looking for the Book that author Bang Ki Moon wrote. While she’s looking the
    servant suddenly appeared and shouted

    “Hi! I’m Yonghwa. The servant
    here in Library Room”.

    “Ow! That shocked me. Where did
    you came from?”
    Seohyun then asked Yonghwa.

    “I came from the weird world” Yonghwa answered.

    “Ahh. That’s why your weird.” Seohyun teasingly said that to
    Yonghwa. Then they both laugh.

    Back to Taecyeon and Yoona who’s talking for 2
    hours under the tree sitting. The two are not talking right now. Then suddenly
    Taecyeon break the silence and said

    “Yoon A, do you like me?” Taecyeon calmly asked. Yoon A
    blushed at the sudden question.

    “Ummm. Ye…. N… Yes?” Yoona replied with a shy tone.

    “I knew it! Yoon A. Can you be my
    Taecyeon’s mood goes up. Yoon A was shocked at the confession made by
    Taecyeon. Yoon A stand up and leaved. Taecyeon’s mood goes down because Yoon A
    didn’t answer his question.

    -End of Episode 1-

    황 태영
    황 태영

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by 황 태영 Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:41 am

    Oh god,,, new fan fic ,,,,, thnks for shared,,,, are this your fan fic creation? The Adventure of the Soshi Girls 1456167716 The Adventure of the Soshi Girls 1369874237

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:29 am

    Yeah. It takes alot of time to make just 1 episode. Last night I kept thinking because of that one. Still thinking of the Episode 2. Btw does this bother?

    Posts : 135
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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by YulSicFany Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:39 am

    it's great *thumb-up* Taec already falling for Yoong and all of them have their "counterparts" XD i'm eager to know what will happen next so i'll be waiting for the next chapter

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:16 am

    Thanks YulSicFany! the Episode 2 is still Under Construction :D I'm working on it :)

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:26 pm

    Episode 2
    “Hey! Wait up.” Taecyeon shouted at Yoon A.

    “I know your angry
    because of my sudden question. Please forgive me.”
    Taecyeon begging for forgiveness to
    Yoon A with a tear in he’s eyes.

    “I forgive you know.
    It’s just that I’m shocked with you confession. Ok I’m your girlfriend now.”
    Yoon A answered

    YOON A SARANGHAEYO!” Taecyeon shout in his world that he loves Yoon A

    “Shh. Too loud unnies
    will hear it.”
    A said

    “Ok! I Love you Yoon A! I don’t want all of
    the guys to fell in love in you JUST ME!”
    Taecyeon whispered.

    Yoon A came to the Mansion and Mall
    to call her unnies.

    A shouted as if she’s using megaphone.

    *All the unnies stopped
    all what they have been doing*

    “What now Yoona? I’m
    still playing.”

    Sunny chodingly said.

    “Enough now unnie.
    Let’s go. Taecyeon said let’s have a party!”
    Yoon A happily said.

    “What’s wrong Yoon A?!Did
    Taecyeon asked?”

    Sooyoung said.

    “Yes unnie!” Yoon A said.

    “Congrats!” her unnies said.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Party Club

    “Woohoo! Let’s have

    “Unnie don’t drink too
    much ok?”
    begging Hyoyeon. But Hyoyeon didn’t listen to maknae.

    Tiffany shouted.

    After 2 hours Hyoyeon drink a lot.
    And Girls are still having fun dancing. And Taeyeon is having fun touching
    tiffany’s butt.

    “Hey! The tiles in here
    are the same in the bathroom!”
    Hyoyeon said while she’s drunk.

    “Oh My Gosh. She’s
    drunk again unnie. What are we going to do?”
    Seohyun asked to Sooyoung.

    “Let her. She will stop
    Sooyoung said.

    *Hyoyeon dancing
    crazily in the dance floor*

    Yuri said. All

    “Seohyunnie! Come over
    Hyoyeon asked
    Seohyun to come over.

    “Why unnie?” Seohyun asked.

    *Hyoyeon picked
    Seohyun’s stomach*

    “Ouch! Unnie. Why did
    you do that?”

    Seohyun angrily asked.

    “Wae?! Are you angry.” Hyoyeon shout. *Fall asleep*

    “UNNIE! We got a
    problem here! Very big. Hyoyeon unnie slept here!”
    Seohyun said to her unnies.

    “Let her. She will wake
    up sooner or later. And asked “What happened?”.”
    Sooyoung jokingly said. And everybody

    Location: Taecyeon’ Garden

    While the others having party Yoon A
    and Taecyeon are alone in Taecyeon’s garden bench.

    “Babe can I kiss you?” Taecyeon asked Yoon A with a smile
    in his face.

    “Just fast.” Yoon A said. *Taecyeon kissed Yoon A
    in lips*

    “Yah! I thought in the
    Yoon A
    shouted while blushing.

    “I didn’t say cheeks.” Taecyeon teasing Yoon A. And they
    both giggle.

    “Babe what time is it?” Yoon A asked.

    “8:46 in the evening.
    Taecyeon asked
    Yoon A why?

    “Oh my! My appa will be
    mad at me. We need to go home now. See you soon babe”
    Yoon A said and *Kiss Taecyeon in lips then winked*

    “WAIT! You be careful!” Taecyeon said
    in a happy mood.

    Location: Taecyeon’s Exit Door.

    While they are going to the exit they
    saw three colored doors. The one is Red, Pink, and Orange.

    “Which one are we going
    t pick?”

    “Let’s pick the Pink!
    beggingly asked.

    “Ok.” All the girls agreed.

    They pick pink because Tiffany
    kneeled in front of the girls just to go there. They opened it. they only saw
    Shining Light again. They go inside of the door and the door slammed by itself.
    They are only holding hands but Taeyeon only holds tiffany’s butt and

    “Yah! Taengoo! Stop
    what you are doing!”

    Tiffany and Jessica shouted to Taeyeon.

    “Ok! Ok. I’ll stop
    answered. “Tiff I’ll tell you something
    when were all alone.”
    Taeyeon whispered to Tiffany. Taeyeon chuckled.

    When they are already inside they all
    saw a lot of Sweets. They saw Cookie Island, Milk Lake, Marshmallow trampoline,
    Lollipop Light, and a lot more. The most excited all of them is Sooyoung.

    “Oh My Gosh. Why did we
    pick this? I’m sure we just look back it’s all finish.”
    Yuri teased Sooyoung and all
    laughed. “Even where looking it’s
    Sunny added. Everybody laughed again.

    The Girls are walking around to find
    the exit. They saw a Big Milk Lake and the Island is too far. So they use Donut
    Boat that only 4 people can ride. They are 2 Donut Boats. Sooyoung, Yuri,
    Yoona, and Hyoyeon sail first the next one are Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, and

    Location: Cookie Road

    Sunny is left because they are not
    fit into the small boat. So Sunny bravely just walked by herself in the Cookie
    Road there she didn’t know that there Cookie Monster. She heard a noise *scuffle* *scuffle* And Sunny was
    looking around and then the Cookie Monster jumped in front of Sunny.

    “Ahhh! Yah! Move. Shuu!
    Go out!”
    Sunny said
    in a scared tone.

    “Grrrrrrr. I Wir eat
    Monster said to sunny while eating a cookie.

    Then Sunny saw a Glass of Milk. “Huh! You can’t beat me now! Come here!”
    Sunny bravely said.

    Sunny pushed the glass of milk. While
    the milk is being poured to the Cookie Monster, Sunny quickly escaped.

    Location: Big Milk Lake

    While the girls are rowing the Donut
    Boat. Yuri noticed something under the Milk Lake.

    “Girls, I think I saw
    something down there”
    Yuri said.

    “Yah! Stop imagining
    things like that”
    in a scared tone.

    “Really! I saw
    something down there*while pointing at the Milk Lake*”
    Yuri said.

    Then something very BIG jump out of
    the Milk Lake and it’s a White ChocoGon.

    “Ah! A DRAGON!” Sooyoung, Yoon A, and Yuri shouted
    while Hyo is enjoying what she is seeing. The White ChocoGon then attacked
    there Donut Boat. Unfortunately the White ChocoGon got a bite and *munch* *munch*

    “Yah! What are we going
    to do now?!”

    Sooyoung said.

    “Let’s just row faster!
    Like a Jetski!”

    “My arms already hurt
    because were rowing, and rowing. I miss taecyeon oppa”
    Yoona said.

    “A ha! I’ve got an
    idea. It’s a White Chocolate Dragon right? Stop missing her first Yoon a!”
    Yuri said.

    “Yeah. It is why?” Sooyoung answered.

    “Sooyoungie…. Did you
    eat breakfast?”

    “No. Not yet. I’m
    hungry *munching there boat*”
    Sooyoung said while munching

    “Hey! Stop eating our
    boat and eat that Dragon! We’re going to sink!”
    Yuri shout.

    “What?! That White
    ChocoGon? Really?”

    Sooyoung happily said.

    “Yes! Go jump to it’s
    body then start munching. Okay?”
    Yuri commanded Sooyoung.

    “Thanks Yul! You gave
    me a very BIG breakfast!”
    Sooyoung excitedly said.

    Location: Big Milk Lake : Before the
    White ChocoGon have seen by the 4.

    “Hey mushroom. I told
    you earlier that I will tell you something right? I like you.”
    Taeyeon whispered in Tiffany’s ears

    “Really?! Why did you
    just tell this to me now?”
    Tiffany shouted and Jessica and Seohyun heard it.

    “Yah! Why are you so
    loud? Gosh you two are holding hands. Gah! I miss my Yuri!”
    Jessica shouted and they notice she
    said I miss my Yuri.

    “Hey. You and Yuri are
    couple?! Since when?”

    Tiffany excitedly asked with an eye smile on her face then Taeyeon caught her.

    “Yah! Stop doing eye
    smile to everyone. Just to me”
    Taeyeon chodingly said.

    “Okay Taengoo. I’ll
    stop doing it now.”

    Tiffany eye smiled at Taeyeon and Taeyeon is fully red and happy.

    “We’ve been couples a
    long time ago. It’s been 3 years. Before I go to San Francisco.”
    Jessica answered and blushing.

    “Really?! Waah. It’s
    been 3 years seen you’ve kept this secret huh. I’ll tell Everyone about
    this!*evil laughs*”

    Tiffany said.

    “Tell them! I don’t
    care if they knew about it. It’s just I will tell the world that I L O V E Y U
    R I!”
    Jessica said.

    “Hey. Seo. Talk. You’ve
    been rowing there for 1 hour. Why don’t you talk?”
    Tiffany confusedly asked.

    “Unnie I’m missing
    answer with a tear on her eye.

    “You have a BoyFriend
    asked. “Ye.” Seohyun shyly answered.

    “What?! You’ve been
    dating we don’t know?!”
    Jessica shouted at Seo. “Who is
    Taeyeon calmly asked.

    “It’s Yonghwa oppa.” Seohyun said.

    “Why didn’t you say so?
    He’s a good-looking guy, gentleman, tall. I think he’s the perfect guy for you

    “Really?” Seohyun with a happy expression.

    “Yeah. When are you
    going to marry with him? Did he already asked you?”
    Taeyeon said.

    “Unnie, actually we are
    going to get married.”
    Seohyun said. And everyone laughs.

    “Hahahaha! Sooyoung
    said she’ll get married when she turns 24.”
    Tiffany said while giggling.

    “Unnie. I’m serious.
    We’re getting married.”
    Seohyun explained.

    *Taeyeon singing “Dan
    Dan dadan!”*

    “He said we’re going to
    meet later at night. But when are we going home?”
    Seohyun asked.

    “HOL~” Taeyeon chodingly interpret Seohyun

    Location: Cookie Road

    Sunny has been walking for 2 hours.
    While she is walking her stomach grumbles.

    “Ah! My stomach. I’m
    Sunny said
    while touching her stomach.

    “Ah! I remember I’m at
    Sweet World. Hehe”

    Sunny said happily. Sunny is looking for cookies and milk so that she can eat.
    But while walking something is following her. *footsteps* *footsteps*

    “Who’s there?! Are you
    those Cookie Monster again?!”
    Sunny in scared tone.

    “Umm. Hi I’m Sungmin.
    I’ve been trapped here for 10 years. Because I can’t see the Exit door.”
    Sungmin said.

    “Really?! 10 years.
    Waah. Who’s with you?”
    Sunny asked.

    “I’m with my friends.
    But the Cookie Soldiers got my friends. I escaped to them. Can you please help
    me rescue my friends? By the way what is your name?”
    Sungmin said in a weak tone.

    “Sure. But before that
    help go to my friends at the Cookie Dock. Ah. I’m Sunny but you can call me Sun
    or Bunny”

    “Okay. How many are you
    in here? Nice meeting you.”
    Sungmin said.

    “We’re 9. Unfortunately
    I got separated to them.”
    Sunny said

    “But why?” Sungmin asked

    “Because we’re not
    fitted in the Donut Boat.”
    Sunny explained.

    “That’s it. By the way
    your cute”
    said while smiling. Sunny blushed and Sungmin saw it and said “Even your blushing your cute”.

    “Aw. Thank you. Your
    cute too”
    Sunny said
    and they both giggle.

    “When did you all come

    “Earlier. We came here
    morning. What time is it?”
    Sunny asked.

    “I don’t know. Ah. So
    you just came here in the morning?”
    Sungmin asked.

    “Yes. Let’s go to the
    Cookie Dock. I’m sure they are already there.”
    Sunny said.

    While the two are walking they didn’t
    know they were holding hands. After 10 minutes there in the Cookie Dock with
    the other Girls. Sunny introduce her new friend Sungmin to the Girls. But
    before she introduce it to them Sooyoung suddenly said

    “Yah! You just walked
    then you have boyfriend now?!”
    Sooyoung jokingly said and they all laugh.

    “Girls, This is Sungmin
    my new FRIEND. He’s been trapped here for 10 years. He said his friends were
    trapped by the Cookie Soldiers.”
    Sunny said.

    “Really? Hi nice
    meeting you. I’m Taeyeon there eldest. Sunny, please stop holding hands! Let
    others shake hands with him.”
    Taeyeon teasing Sunny.

    “Sorry.” Sunny didn’t know what to do because
    she’s blushing. And they are all laughing.

    “A ha! Not boyfriend
    Tiffany teasing Sunny too. And they
    laugh again.

    -End of Episode 2-


    Posts : 135
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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by YulSicFany Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:16 pm

    cute XD Soshi in wonderland? or Soshi and chocolate factory?
    cute update and you even put a Seohyun's WGM's episode there XD

    nice update

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:40 pm

    lol. It's a different world. That's why the title of my FanFic is The Adventures of the Soshi Girls. Hahahahaha. I'm still writing the episode 3 :D

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ™Arvin™ Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:59 pm

    nice =)

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:24 pm

    thanks. :D

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:30 pm

    Episode 3
    After the girls talk, they started walking with Sungmin.
    While walking, Sungmin suddenly talked.

    “We need to be careful.
    Cookie Soldiers are very powerful.”

    “How powerful are
    confusedly asked.

    “In just there touch
    you will be electrified by it. Because they will put something on you.”
    Sungmin said.

    “What are they going to
    put in us? ”

    “It’s just a small
    device. Even it’s small you will be electrified. So let’s be careful.”
    Sungmin in worriedly tone.

    Location: Cookie King

    The girls are now in front of the castle. The castle has no
    door. Only a medium window that a person can fit in. But that window is in the
    high place. The height of the castle can touch the sky. There are no Cookie
    Soldiers/Guards around. So Sungmin shouted his throat off and said “Siwon! Ryeowook! Kyuhyun! Heechul!
    Donghae! Yesung! Shindong! It’s me Sungmin! Speak!”

    “Huh? Isn’t that the
    name of our Super Junior sunbaes?”
    Sunny said. And they all laughed except for Sungmin whose
    shouting his throat off.

    “We’re here now!” Sungmin shouted again. And then
    someone looked at the window and it’s Siwon. “Hyung! We can’t go down! Our legs are locked up here! The key is
    somewhere down there!”
    Siwon shouts.

    “Okay! I’ll look for
    Sungmin shout. *looking* *looking*. The girls are
    looking too *looking* *looking* “A ha! Here It is” Yuri said and gave
    it to Sungmin. “Thanks!” Sungmin
    said. “Here is the key!” Sungmin
    shouted again. “Give it to us!”
    Siwon shouted too. “So… How are we going
    to climb up now? Can we fly?”
    Sooyoung said and everyone burst into
    laughter. “Yah! Use your mind. Look at
    There is a ladder.” Sunny
    said and they saw the ladder. “Hey. The
    ladder is too short. Let’s look for something long that can reach the window.”

    Sungmin said. “Girls let’s split into a
    team. Me, Sunny, Jessica, Yuri, Yoona will look there *points out the west
    Sungmin said. “Hyoyeon,
    Seohyun, Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Sooyoung go to the east side. Okay?”
    added. “SIWON~A! We’ll be back!”
    Sungmin shouts. “Comeback fast Hyung!”
    Siwon shouts too.

    Location: West Side.

    The girls and sungmin are looking for something to climb. *looking* *looking* *looking* “There’s
    nothing here!”
    Yuri said. “In here
    Yoona said. “Here too!”
    Jessica added. “In here……” Sunny
    said. “You’ve found one?” Sungmin asked. “In
    here there’s nothing either! hehe”
    Sunny said while giggling. And Sungmin
    found her cute but hide his feelings.

    Location: East Side.

    The girls are looking around *looking* *looking* *looking* *looking* “A ha! Is this enough?”
    Sooyoung said. “Where?” Taeyeon
    said. “Here. The Swirl Lollipop. It is
    enough right? We can climb up in there now. Come on help me carry this.”

    Sooyoung said.

    Location: Cookie King

    “Oppa! We saw a Swirl
    Lollipop to be climbed on. Look here!”
    Sooyoung shouted. “Really?
    We’re coming!”
    Sungmin said. “Thanks.
    Let’s go now. The boys are waiting.”
    Sungmin added.

    While Sungmin is climbing, All the girls are helping except
    for Yoon A who noticed something behind them. *footsteps* *footsteps*. “Guys,
    I think someone’s behind us.”
    Yoon A said while she’s scared. “What is it?” Yuri asked. “I don’t know.” Yoon A said. Then a lot
    of Cookie Soldiers jump in front of them. “AHHHHHHH!”
    All the Girls scream. “Don’t worry!
    We’re coming down!”
    Sungmin shouted in the top of the Castle.

    Location: The top of

    “Boys! Are you all
    alright? I’m so sorry if I just helped you now. ”
    Sungmin said while he feels sorry. “It’s alright hyung. Let’s go now. unlock
    our padlock in our legs.”
    Kyuhyun said. *unlocking* *unlocking* “there
    let’s go now. The girls needs our help.”
    Sungmin said. *coming down*

    Location: Cookie King
    Castle in front.

    “Girls we’re here!” Sungmin said. “Oppa! Help!” The girls shouted. “We’re coming! Here are your transform gadgets!” Sungmin shouted
    while giving out the gadgets. “Boys it’s
    time to transform!”
    Sungmin added. *transforming*
    “Waah! Oppa your amazing! You’ve
    transform into Power Rangers!”
    Sunny said. “Thanks! Come on boys!” Sungmin said.

    “Yah! Come over here!
    Take this! *stab*”

    Sungmin said in a angry voice. “Don’t
    all you dare to touch OUR GIRLS!”
    Sungmin said. “Huh?! OUR GIRLS?” Sunny said while giggling. Sungmin heard it and
    he blushed. The match is over. “Boys!
    Are you all okay?”
    Sungmin worriedly said. “Yes! Red ranger!” All the boys shouted. “Girls and Boys. Let’s go now. We have no time.” Sungmin said.

    While they are walking Sungmin suddenly held Sunny’s hand and
    all of them saw it. “Hey! I thought you
    are not couple?”
    Sooyoung jokingly said. Everybody laughs and all teasing
    them. “Weeee. Our leader has a new Girlfriend!”
    Heechul said.

    “Hahahaha! We are not
    said while laughing. Sunny blushed. “Then
    why the two of you holding hands in front of us?”
    Taeyeon jealously said
    and held Tiffany’s hand.

    Then Yuri held Sica’s hand. “Oww! I’m jealous! I want to hold hands too!” Heechul said. Then
    suddenly Yoon A grabs Heechul’s hand and they both blushed. “Hey! Im Yoon A! How about Taecyeon?!”
    Sooyoung said. “Unnie he’s not here. And
    I think we couldn’t see each other anymore.”
    Yoona said while smiling. “Just let her. Will leave happily ever
    Heechul jokingly said. And everybody laugh.

    “Hey how about us?!” Yesung shouted. “Hold hands each other!” Sungmin jokingly said. *all laughing*. Yesung hold the hand of
    Hyoyeon but Hyoyeon didn’t accept it and they are all laughing. “Why hyoyeon?” Yesung asked. “Sorry oppa but please get a permission
    before you hold my hand.”
    Hyoyeon jokingly said. “Huh? From who?” Yesung confusedly asked. “EUNHYUK OPPA!” Hyoyeon shout. *all

    Then suddenly two guys are walking behind them and Siwon was
    familiarized by the two. “Hey! It’s
    Leeteuk hyung and Eunhyuk!”
    Siwon shouted. “Aren’t you the one In Taecyeon’s world?” Taeyeon asked. “Oh! We meet again.” Leeteuk happily
    said. “You two know each other?”
    Siwon asked. “Yes, we meet at Taecyeon’s
    Taeyeon and Leeteuk said. “Really?
    Waah. What a coincident.”
    Siwon said. “Yeah
    Leeteuk said.

    “Hey Kim Hyoyeon! Why
    aren’t you talking?”

    Sooyoung said. “Girls this is Eunhyuk
    and Leeteuk. By the way, Eunhyuk is the one that Hyoyeon said earlier.”

    Yesung said. “REALLY?!” Sooyoung
    said. “Ah! That’s why she’s silent now.
    Sooyoung added. “Hi I’m
    Eunhyuk. Nice meeting you.”
    Eunhyuk introduced himself while looking at
    Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon suddenly blushed. “Hey!
    I think there is going to be a second couple after SunSun Couple.”
    jokingly said and all laughed. “SunSun
    Couple? Who are those two?”
    Leeteuk asked. “Sungmin and Sunny.” Heechul said while smiling. “Waah. We’re not just here for one week.
    Then our Sungmin has a Girlfriend now!”
    Leeteuk joked. “Hey! It’s not like that!” Sunny said. “Let them. You don’t want to be couple with me?” Sungmin said his
    feelings for Sunny that all of them notice it. “YEAH! They are now officially a Couple!” Heechul jokingly said. *all laugh*

    Location: Exit Doors.

    “We’re here!” Sungmin said. “Oh no! There are 3 doors again!” Taeyeon said. “Guys! Can I tell something?” Sooyoung
    said. “What?” Sungmin said. “CAN YOU PLEASE STOP HOLDING HANDS FOR A
    Sooyoung shouted. Then Siwon held her hands.
    Sooyoung blushed and said “Don’t stop.
    Let’s pick doors now.”
    Sooyoung said in a flirty way and all laugh. “Yeobo?” Sungmin said to Sunny. “Eum?” Sunny said and blush. “Oh My Gosh! I smell something cheesy in
    Heechul joked again. “Oppa I’m
    when all of us got in our world
    this to are always dating.”
    Yuri said. “Seohyun!
    Your quite again! What’s wrong? Because of Yonghwa?”
    Tiffany said. “Yes. All of you are holding hands but me I’m
    a Loner.”
    Seohyun said. Then suddenly Hyoyeon sing *Victoria! Dotoria daradiri daradu!* “Unnie!” Seohyun shout. “Which
    door are we going to pick righ….”
    Sungmin was saying but suddenly Sooyoung
    stopped him and said “Oppa! Look Kyuhyun
    and Seohyun are holding hand.”
    Sooyoung said. They all looked. “Oh My. Why are there a lots of skinship
    Leeteuk said. Leeteuk grabbed Taeyeon hands tiffany saw it cry. “What’s wrong tiffany?” Leeteuk asked. “It’s none of your business!” Tiffany
    angrily said. But then Yesung hold Tiffany’s hand and now Taeyeon saw it. “Oh my. It’s okay I have Leeteuk now”
    Said to her mind. “Girls and Boys! Let’
    go now.”

    They picked the second door. They go inside and……

    -End of Episode 3-
    Newbie Sone Member
    Newbie Sone Member

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by SoShism9Angels Fri Oct 14, 2011 12:44 pm

    !! It was really great & wonderful !! Its too cute :D

    Posts : 34
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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:29 pm

    Episode 4

    Location: The Second

    The boys and the girls got into the dark room. Someone talked
    with a big voice.

    “Welcome to Space

    “Huh?! Who’s that?!” Sungmin said. “I am the King here! Don’t talk please I’m still talking!” The
    person said.

    “Sorry King………………..
    jokingly said.

    “I’m not joking!” The person angrily talked back. Heechul
    walked back because of embarrassment.

    The person suddenly press a button that all of them heard it *tick!* *All of them float* “Yehey! We’re
    Sooyoung chodingly said. “Yeah!
    I believe I can fly! I believe I can touch the sky! Wait space?”
    sing but she was stopped by Sungmin.

    “Stop now. Hey! What is
    your name!”
    asked. “My name is Minho. Choi Minho.”
    Minho answered. “Wait! Choi Minho?
    Aren’t you in a group called SHINee?”
    Yuri asked. “Why?” Minho said. “It’s
    because one of the member in SHINee, I’m in relationship with him.”
    said and everyone is shocked.

    “Really Kwon Yuri?!” Jessica is shocked in what just Yuri
    said. “Yes. Sorry guys if I didn’t tell
    this to all of you and Sica sorry I didn’t tell this to you. Choi Minho and I
    are in a relationship a long time ago. Before me and Sica have been in a
    Yuri explained.

    “You just used me?!” Jessica shouted. “Sorry Sica. But you’re the first one who
    approached me. And that time Minho is missing so I’m all lonely. So I just go
    to you so my loneliness would fade away.”
    Yuri said.

    Jessica’s hand is shaking and she wanted to slap Yuri’s face.
    But tiffany saw it and stopped her. Jessica just walked away and just grabbed
    Donghae’s hand.

    “Okay! If you just used
    me I just used you too!”
    Jessica angrily shouted. “What?!”
    Yuri said in shocked. “Sorry Yuri.
    Me and Jessica is in a relationship a long time ago too when you and her are in
    a relationship.”
    Donghae said.

    “Wait! But earlier when
    we all met at ‘Candy World’ you and Sica doesn’t even talk.”
    Yuri said. “It’s because we are using hand language at each other.” Donghae
    said. “But how did you know that we’re
    in a relationship?!”
    Yuri said. “Jessica
    told me this after you became her suitor.”
    Donghae said. Yuri stepped back
    because she don’t know what to do. But she just called Minho.

    “Choi Minho! Come
    Yuri said.

    “Kwon Yuri?” Minho said. “Yes?
    Come here! And I’ll introduce you to them!”
    Yuri said while smiling. “Okay! Wait up” Minho said.

    “Boys! Come here. I
    think we’re free.”

    Minho said to Onew and Key.

    Minho is with 2 handsome men who came with him. “Hi! We are SHINee!” Shinee members
    said. “Oh! Onew?” Jessica said. “Jessica!” Onew shouted. The both
    started to sing (One Year Later) “hahn~ chahm eul kkoom eul kkoon
    guht gah tah… hahn~ dong ahn hyeh mae goh hyeh mae dah…”

    “Stop please. You two
    are being cheesy. Right oppa(to Siwon)?”
    Sooyoung said while being flirty again. “Hey! Sooyoung stop flirting! You’re not like that.” Sunny said. “Do you think so? I think you’ve just seen
    my playful side”
    Sooyoung said. “Aish.
    I think she totally changed after she met that guy.”
    Sunny said while
    poking her cheeks with her tongue inside her mouth.

    “Yuri, how are you?” Minho asked. “I’m fine. But why are you here?” Yuri asked. “We’re stucked here. We can’t find a way to get out of here. Like Super
    Junior sunbaes. But when? How? Did you all got here?”
    Minho said.

    “Umm. I don’t know.
    It’s seems we’re lost. And we don’t know what time and where are we.” Yuri
    said. “Ah. This is Space Magic as I’ve said earlier.”
    Minho said. “Wait. But how did you become a King here as you’ve said earlier?”
    Sungmin suddenly asked.

    “Because our ex-King
    here have now resigned. His name is Lee Soo Man. He said I’m Good-looking,
    tall, talented, etc. That’s why the throne is now mine.”
    Minho said as he smiled.

    Sooyoung suddenly said “Ummm.
    Excuse me Choi Minho. Could you please let us walk? We’re flying for an hour
    and my feet are hurting right now. Because I thought we are already walking.”

    “Oh! Sorry.” Minho apologized and turned off the
    gravitation. *tick* *all fell down*.
    And then,

    “Ah! Sorry for falling
    in your body and kissed you on lips.”
    Sunny said to Sungmin. “It’s
    okay. Want me to kiss you again?”
    Sungmin said.

    Heechul who saw the scene started to tease again “Want me to kiss you(to a rock)?” *all
    laughed* “Yah! Heechul stop teasing us!”
    Sungmin said.

    “Yah! Stop teasing us.” Heechul imitated Sungmin. All
    laughed at Heechul. “Come on guys. Let’s
    go now.”
    Sungmin said and hold Sunny’s hand.

    “Hey Sungmin! Wait up
    Heechul said.

    SuJu, SNSD, and SHINee started
    to walk in Space. Minho and Yuri are holding hands while others just walk
    normally except for other couples. Minho put his arms on Yuri’s shoulder then
    Heechul said “What the heck? Are we in
    Paris? (Lovers in Paris)”

    “Haha. We’re just
    sweet. Get your own partner.”
    Minho said and putted his hand to Yuri’s hand again.

    Heechul suddenly hold Yoona’s hand. “There. Happy?” Heechul said as he blushed madly. “Hahahahaha! That’s Okay now!” Minho

    “Hey Heechul oppa.
    You’re like rose.”

    Yoona said. “Why?” Heechul
    confusedly asked. “Haha! You’re so red
    like a rose.”
    Yoona jokingly teased Heechul.

    “Guys! Let’s stop
    holding hands first. SuJu at right SNSD at left and SHINee lead us the way.”
    Leeteuk said “Why?” Sooyoung said. “Look
    at the way it says ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ way.”
    Leeteuk said. “Oh. Okay.” Sooyoung said. “You’re busy with your oppa that’s why you
    didn’t know what way or what are we doing.”
    Sunny said. “No fight let’s go now.” Leeteuk said. Everyone
    agreed except for Minho who is holding Yuri’s hand. “Okay!” Leeteuk said. They we’re separated at each other.

    Minho is holding Yuri’s hand and the remote control in Space
    Magic. That remote can control anything in Space. Suddenly, the remote fell
    down and It pressed a button *tick* SuJu fell down in a big hole. “HELP!” the boys said.

    SHINee and SNSD started to panicked except for Jessica who is sleeping deeply
    while standing wearing a sunglasses. Minho grabbed the remote and he saw that
    it clicked a ‘BIG HOLE’ button.

    “Oh no! My oppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Sooyoung shouted. “Shut up Sooyoungie. It’s not time for your
    oppa right now. We have oppa there too.”
    Sunny said while twitching her
    nose. “What are we going to do?!”
    Taeyeon said. “Save them.” Seohyun

    SNSD and SHINee suddenly stopped panicking in Seohyun’s
    comment. “Yah! You’re now starting ‘Hyun
    after ‘Sica
    ?” Sooyoung said.

    Jessica heard her name “Who
    said my name?”
    she asked. No one answer and just started panicking and
    Jessica just return to sleep. “By the way.
    What’s in there?”
    Sunny asked. “I
    don’t know either. The ex-King didn’t mention anything about that Big Hole. He
    just said “Don’t ever touch the Big Hole button.” I asked why he didn’t
    Minho said.

    Location: Unknown

    After SuJu the
    boys fell down into the big hole, all of them are in pain because they fell
    down in grass with a lot of small rocks. Leeteuk stand up and saw a big
    building. “Where are we? What is this
    Leeteuk said. All of them stand up and walked. “Lee… Soo…. Man…. Uni…. Ver…. Si…. Ty? Lee Soo Man University?”
    Sungmin said. “We’re in a school?!”
    Heechul said. “I think so. Let’s go
    Leeteuk said.

    The boys started to walk. They are going inside the
    University but two ‘ TVXQ SWATS’
    blocked them. “You’re not allowed to go
    the first SWAT said. “Wait. But
    Leeteuk said. “You don’t have
    I.D! And you’re not in proper uniform!”
    the second SWAT said. “Who the heck are you two?!” Sungmin
    shouted. “Don’t shout on us! Let us
    introduce ourselves”
    the first SWAT said. “I’m Commander U-Know Yunho. The Commander in TVXQ SWATS! *salutes*”
    Comm. Yunho said. “I’m Major Max
    Changmin. The Major in TVXQ SWATS! *salutes*”
    Major Changmin said. SuJu boys we’re shocked at the
    introduced of the two.

    “Please enrol before you
    go inside!”
    Yunho said. “That’s why we’re going
    inside because we’re going to enrol.”
    Leeteuk said. “Resume?” Major Changmin said. “What?”
    Leeteuk asked. “RESUME!” Major
    Changmin shouted. “We don’t have one.”
    Sungmin said. “NO RESUME. NO ENROL!”
    Comm. Yunho said. “But… bu.. but..”
    Sungmin said while stuttering. “There is
    no But But. Go away!”
    Major Changmin said.

    SuJu walked away. “Guys. Let’s go to the back of School and let’s go in.” Leeteuk
    said. “Okay!” The boys said. The
    Boys run to go to the back of the school.

    Location: Space Magic

    “I think we should
    follow SuJu sunbaes.”

    Minho said. “Okay!” SNSD and SHINee

    Minho pressed the ‘Big
    button. They all jumped in the ‘Big
    . Minho catches Yuri, Onew catches Jessica, Key catches Hyoyeon,
    Sooyoung catches Sunny, Taeyeon catches Tiffany, and Yoona catches Seohyun.
    Tiffany suddenly came down on Taeyeon arms. “Are you still mad at me?” Taeyeon asked. But Tiffany didn’t
    answer. They all came down to their arms except for Minho and Yuri.

    Minho and Yuri’s lips are 1cm away at each other. Minho
    kissed Yuri on lips. The girls we’re all shocked same as Onew and Key. Jessica
    didn’t believe what she just saw. Sooyoung gave her handkerchief to Jessica who
    is hurt what she just saw. “Thanks.”
    Jessica said. And Sooyoung made an Okay sign to her hand.

    Minho and Yuri’s lips are not being separated in 1minute. “Put me down now.” Yuri said. Minho
    gave Yuri a wink. “What a lovely scene.
    Right Fany?”
    Taeyeon said to Tiffany. But Tiffany didn’t talk again. “Aish! She is still mad at me.” Taeyeon
    said to herself.

    “Guys. Let’s go. By the
    way, where are we?”

    Minho said. “Look at the banner over
    there! I think it’s the name of this place.”
    Sunny said. They all look at
    the banner. “Lee… Soo… Man.. Coun…try….Fa..rm.
    Lee Soo Man Country Farm. Lee Soo Man Country Farm?”
    Sooyoung said. “It’s Farm! Old Mc Donald had a
    Farm eya eya yo~ and quack quack there. And quack quack here. Everywhere is
    quack quack. Quack quack quack~”
    Hyoyeon sings loudly while dancing. “Shhhh. Don’t be noisy. Let’s go in the House over there *points out
    the big house*”
    Sunny said.

    A girl suddenly woke up because of the sound she heard and
    she looked at the window while wearing a black hoodie, you can’t see her face
    because of the hoddie she is wearing. “Who
    is there? *yawn*”
    the girl said. “Oh!
    It’s a person. Hi there! We’re SNSD and SHINee.”
    Sunny said. “Who?” the girl asked. “SNSD and SHINee. Umm. Excuse me! Have you
    seen 9 boys here?”
    Minho said. “9
    boys? No!”
    the girl said. “What’s
    your name?”
    Minho asked. “Krystal
    Krystal said. “Krystal?”
    Jessica suddenly woke up because she heard her sister name. “Yeah. Who are you?” Krystal asked. “Jessica!” Jessica said.

    Krystal suddenly took off her black hoodie and looked at
    Jessica. “Unnie! I’m coming down wait!”
    Krystal excitedly said. The ‘Jung
    hug each other. “Unnie.
    Where have you been this past 2 years?”
    Krystal asked. “I’ve been to San Francisco.” Jessica said. “Why did you leave me?” Krystal said. “I need to because my BF is there.” Jessica said. “Who? It’s not Donghae oppa. Because you
    and him broke up because of Yuri unnie. Unnie who is your BF in San Francisco?”

    Krystal said and Yuri heard Krystal about the Break up thingy. “What?! You and Donghae broke up because of
    Yuri said. “Sorry Yuri, if Me
    and Donghae lied to you earlier. I was just hurt. But now we’re back to each
    Jessica said.

    “Krystal, who’s with
    Jessica said “F(x) unnies.” Krystal said. “F(x)?” Jessica said. “Yup. Unnie you didn’t know our group? See
    you’re not updated. We are the new group.”
    Krystal said while smiling.
    Minho finds it cute Yuri caught him. “Hey
    Minho. Are you changing your mind that I’m you GF?”
    Yuri said. “No. No. No. Never.” Minho said while
    smiling. Yuri smiled back.

    “Where are your ‘F(x)
    said. “I think they are still sleeping.” Krystal said. “Did you see 9 boys here?” Minho asked Krystal. “No oppa. By the way what time is it?”
    Krystal said. Krystal looked at their Wall clock *5:49 am* “Ah! I need to
    bath now. I’m late for school. Wait.”
    Krystal said while panicking. Krystal
    woke up her ‘F(x) unnies’. *after 20 minutes* “Okay we’re done preparing! Unnie. I putted a to do list outside
    Take care of our house.
    Krystal said. “Where is your
    Jessica said. “Lee Soo Man
    University! BYEEEE!”
    Krystal said. “Lee
    Soo Man University? After we do the to do list here let’s go there.”

    To be

    End of Episode 4

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    The Adventure of the Soshi Girls Empty Re: The Adventure of the Soshi Girls

    Post by ShekieSone9 Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:45 pm

    Episode 5
    Location:Lee Soo Man University. Back of the School

    The SuJu boys are planning how to go inside
    the school. The building is too high and they can’t just climb up in there.
    Suddenly 5 girls are running coming in their way and they we’re being chased by 6 bad boys.

    “Woah! Woah!
    Be careful!”
    Leeteuk said.

    “Sorry Mister!”
    the girl said while running. The girls hide in the back of SuJu boys.

    The 6 bad
    boys we’re looking for them. “Did you see a 5 girls running here?” the bad boy

    “No. We
    didn’t see anyone here.”
    Leeteuk said.

    the boys said.

    “Who are those?”
    Leeteuk whispered to the girls.

    “It’s the
    most badass group here in our School. They are called 2pm. That one who asked
    you is Junho oppa. He has a crush on me since I came to this School. And that
    guy who is tall and have big muscular body is Nichkhun she has a crush on our
    Leader Victoria.”
    The girl whispered.

    “What’s your
    Leeteuk said.

    Krystal Jung.”
    Krystal said.

    meeting you.”
    Krystal added.

    Krystal said.

    Leeteuk. Nice meeting you too.”
    Leeteuk said.

    The 2pm boy are
    about to leave but one of them saw the foot of Luna.

    “Hey guys! I
    think someone is trying to fool us here.”
    The bad boy said while crumpling his
    fingers and stretching his neck.

    “Such a fast
    eyes you have Wooyoung.”
    Junho said.

    “Are you
    trying fool us?!”
    Junho said to Leeteuk and push him. Leeteuk didn’t fight
    because he doesn’t want a fight. But then Sungmin pushed the Junho.

    “Hey! What
    do you need to this girls and need to push him?!”
    Sungmin angrily said. Then
    Nichkhun punch him in the face and in the stomach. Now Nichkhun is holding
    Sungmin’s collar.

    “Hey! F(x) come out now! Or I will beat this
    guy here!”
    the Nichkhun said.

    “Okay! We’re
    coming out now! Thanks mister!”
    the girl said.

    oppa is bleeding. I thought he was going to save us .That guy is handsome
    though.*points out Ryeowook* But didn’t fight for us”
    The girl said to her

    “Ha! Scared
    little babies!”
    the Nichkhun said and threw Sungmin in the ground. When they are
    gone Leeteuk argued with Sungmin.

    “Aish! Why
    did you fight them?!”
    Leeteuk said to
    Sungmin who is unconscious. “Boys! Carry him up. Let’s go to the near hospital
    Leeteuk said.

    Location: Lee Soo Man Country Farm.
    Big House

    Sooyoung is
    looking at the ‘to do list’ in the Kitchen. “Are we really going to do this? No
    joke? Seriously?”
    Sooyoung said.

    ‘To Do list’

    · -Clean the bathroom

    -Feed the Chickens

    -Feed the Pigs

    -Feed the Cows

    -Clean the Chicken Coop

    -Put a mud in Pigs House

    -Clean the Cow Poop

    -Wash the dishes after you eat

    -Play a music so that Cows can rest properly

    -Clean all the Room in our House

    PS. After we go home at
    4:00pm be sure the House is clean and the Farm too.


    “Aish. What
    a naughty sister you have here Sica ya~”
    Sooyoung said to Jessica after she
    looked at the ‘to do list’. But Jessica didn’t answer because she was sleeping
    again. After she didn’t get a response Sooyoung just search the Fridge and
    started to eat.

    “Hmm. I’ll
    just leave this. Since Sunny is good at catching chicken and can feed and clean
    a Cow. So I’ll leave this to Sunny. *evil smile*”
    Sooyoung said while holding a
    bunch of food to her arm.

    Minho and Yuri are at the Bedroom. Minho’s left arm is in triangle shape
    connected to his head. And his right arm is in Yuri’s chin. Yuri is resting
    because of their long journey. Minho kissed Yuri’s forehead going down to her
    nose and finally at Yuri’s lips. Yuri opened her eyes and saw Minho kissed her.
    Yuri just closed her eyes again. Then Minho stopped kissing her.

    what’s that for?”
    Yuri said. “I love you.” Minho said and kissed Yuri on
    forehead. “I love you too.” Yuri replied back.

    Sunny is
    playing arcade games in the living room with Key. *pyu!* *pyu!*

    “Haha! I
    Sunny said to Key.

    “Aish! Noona
    you’re totally cool!”
    Key said.

    “As always!
    Sunny said.

    Then, “Sunny
    ya~!! Come here!”
    Sooyoung shouted Sunny’s name.

    We’re still playing!”
    Sunny said.

    “We don’t
    have time! Come here!”
    Sooyoung said. “Okay! What is it now?!” Sunny said.

    “Do all of
    this. *gives out the ‘to do list’*”
    Sooyoung said while eating her cupcake.

    “Come with
    Sunny said.

    “Are you
    insane! You and Yuri only can do those things.”
    Sooyoung said.

    “You want
    chocolates, ice cream, cake, and Chips?”
    Sunny asked.

    “Yeah. Where
    is it? I didn’t see those foods you say in the fridge”
    Sooyoung said while

    “Then come
    with me. Because I putted it in we’re we are going”
    Sunny seduced Sooyoung by
    using food.

    Location: Lee Soo Man General

    Siwon is
    carrying Sungmin in his back. Siwon putted Sungmin down the Hospital Bed.
    *after 30 minutes* “Where am I? Where are those 2pm?!” Sungmin said.

    “Shut up.
    They’re gone. Don’t look for them or they will punch you again.”
    Siwon said.

    “Where are
    the girls?”
    Sungmin said.

    “In the
    hands of 2pm boys.”
    Shindong said.

    Shindong did you just talked? Miracle.”
    Heechul jokingly said.

    “Shut up.”
    Shindong said.

    “Oh Okay.”
    Heechul shut his mouth up after Shindong talked.

    Suddenly 5
    girls came in the General Hospital. And it’s the F(x).

    “Oppa. Sorry
    if we made a trouble.”
    Krystal said to Sungmin.

    “It’s okay.
    What did the 2pm boys did to you?”
    Sungmin said.

    Junho oppa wants me to be her Girl friend.”
    Krystal said.

    “What did
    you answer?”
    Sungmin asked.

    “I said No.”
    Krystal said while smiling.

    “Good. How
    old are you?”
    Sungmin said.

    “18 years
    Krystal said.

    “Wow. You’re
    too young. By the way do you have a sister or a brother?”
    Sungmin asked.

    “Yeah. She
    is in our house right now.”
    Krystal said.

    “She? Ah.
    You have a sister. What’s her name?”
    Sungmin asked.

    Jessica Jung. Actually they’re looking for 9 boys. But I don’t know who those
    boys are.”
    Krystal said.

    Jung? The main vocalist in Girls’ Generation?”
    Sungmin said.

    “Yes. How’d
    you know?”
    Krystal said.

    “I’m with
    them earlier. Hey Guys, I think we’ve found them.”
    Sungmin said to SuJu boys. “Are
    your classes done?”
    Sungmin asked.

    “Yeah. Why?”
    The girls said.

    “Let’s go to
    your house. Kyuhyun pay the bill.”
    Sungmin said.

    “No! Let us
    pay for it.”
    Krystal said and go to the cashier and pay for the bills.

    While SuJu
    boys and F(x) are going out the LSM Hospital. Then 2pm bad boys came looking for

    “Where are
    Junho said in a scary tone. SuJu and F(x) hide at the Janitor Room. The
    girls are hardly breathing because the room is too small for them to fit in.

    “Hold your
    breath for a while. I know it’s hard to breath here.”
    Leeteuk said. The girls
    just nodded.

    But then the
    2pm boys opened the Janitor Room and they saw…..

    To be

    -End of Episode 5-

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