SOSHIology SNSD(Girls' Generation)

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SOSHIology SNSD(Girls' Generation)

Welcome to SOSHIOLOGY!
International forum dedicated for So Nyeo Shi Dae

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SOSHIology SNSD(Girls' Generation)

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SOSHIology is a non-profit organization dedicated to update sones the latest news about SNSD.

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    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture


    Posts : 157
    Join date : 2012-01-31
    Age : 26
    Location : Philippines

    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture Empty 120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture

    Post by yooniversity Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:28 pm

    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture 416897_324124010963773_200739259968916_904420_1950042779_n

    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture 396616_324124114297096_200739259968916_904421_1926768562_n

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    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture 404961_324124837630357_200739259968916_904431_1739668636_n

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    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture 418117_324125390963635_200739259968916_904435_886520770_n

    120203 Girls’ Generation’s Signing Event - BEST BUY in NY Facebook Official Picture AalU7ZGs
    Source: Girls Generation official Facebook

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:15 pm